
SteamTrades - Have List Filter. Check if you own the games from someone's have list (instant Compare2Steam) Install this script? Ask a question, post a review, or report the script. Author Revadike Daily installs 1 Total installs 463 Ratings 8 0 0 Version 1.7 Created 2016-08-12 Updated 2019-01-26. It is a unique traiding platform, allowing you to buy and sell cosmetic items of Dota 2, CS:GO, Team Fortress2 or Games (Gifts) for real money, at the best prices! Trading platform consists of four sections, which are interlinked by a shared wallet that will allow you to. The best way is just to trade with people that have some positive reputation on Steamtrades, but I also never trade keys, only Steamgifts. In Terms of a Steamgift (Item from the inventory), if there are different versions, they often contain abbreviations to show what version they are. Some common abbreviations.

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SteamTrades Auto Bump
// UserScript
// @name SteamTrades Auto Bump
// @namespace ST_AUTOBUMP
// @author LBLZR_
// @description Bumps the post every 60 minutes + random drift
// @require
// @include https://**
// /UserScript
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function scheduleReload(seconds){
//we add a random drift to the time
seconds += getRandomInt(10, 150);
console.log('Reload scheduled after ' + seconds + ' seconds..');
}, seconds*1000);
$(function() {
var bumpTime = 3600;
method: 'POST',
url: '/ajax.php',
dataType: 'json',
data: $('.dropdown_btn.js_trade_bump').data('form')
}).done(function(e) {
console.log('Bump failed, we probably bumped this thread recently..');
var delay = /Please wait another (d+) minute/g.exec(e.popup_heading_h2);
if(delay != null && delay.length > 1){
bumpTime -= (60-Number(delay[1]))*60;
console.log('Could not find the wait time..');
console.log('This is probably not our trade, not bumping..');

commented Nov 16, 2019

Steamtrades Formatting

Hello. I use Tampermonkey / Edge.

Software wallap software crack. Your script only works when the Edge-Tab (page) is active. If I view another tab or my browser is minimized, it will not work. It will work when I open the tab.

I checked some other scripts, they can work in the background. For example, this script (which just refreshes the page) works with inactive tabs: setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); }, 10006065); Roblox hack walk through walls no clip for mac.

Is there any chance to update code? I tried to do it myself, but it did not work out. Thanks.

Steam Trade Scam

commented Nov 17, 2019 Safe

Maybe detach the tab and run it in separate window or use a different browser? Another option would probably be to use a js service worker but I'm not exactly sure how to get that working with grease/tampermonkey..

This script is pretty old and I'm not involved in Steam trading anymore so I don't think there's any point in improving it 🤷‍♂️.

Steam Trades Not Working

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