Flask Markdown

According to a report in Maryland, teenagers on their way to prom will do anything from use an 'alcohol bra' to a 'flask sandal' to get drunk. “Micro” does not mean that your whole web application has to fit into a single Python file (although it certainly can), nor does it mean that Flask is. Flask Web Development Miguel Grinberg download Z-Library. Download books for free. 🔴 Answer: 2 🔴 ✅ on a question ➜ How is molarity affected if some solution splashes out of the flask during titration? - the answers to answer-helper.com.

Flask blog app with MongoDB via Apache WSGI : Part 3 (Production on CentOS 7)

bogotobogo.com site search:

Continued from Flask blog app with MongoDB via Apache WSGI on Ubuntu 14.

In this page, we'll deploy our Flask blog app (memonimo.com) using Apache on CentOS 7 VPS.

VPS Setup - MongoDB

So far, we've worked on our local Ubuntu 14 machine.

Now, it's time to play with CentOS 7 VPS.

We need to install MongoDB since our blog is using it.

First, let's configure the package management system (yum). Create a file ,/etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-2.6.repo, and put in the following configuration information for the MongoDB 2.6 repository:

Flask Markdown Blog

Next, we need to install the MongoDB packages and associated tools.

We can start the mongod process by issuing the following command:


We can verify that the mongod process has started successfully by checking the contents of the log file at /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log for a line reading:

Note that <port> is the port configured in /etc/mongod.conf, 27017 by default.

We can optionally ensure that MongoDB will start following a system reboot by issuing the following command:

We can restat/stop the service:

Clone repository : FlaskBlog.

Production setup - config/wsgi

Modify config.py:


Modify /var/www/flask/memonimo/config.py:

Let's setup Virtualenv:

Check with Flask server (Werkzeug):

Apache config

Flask Markdown Render

Create a log directory:

The following is the Apache configuration (/etc/httpd/sites-available/memonimo.com.conf):

Let's create a symlink:

Restart the server:

At memonimo.com on the browser:

This can be fixed by modifying the permission for /usr/share/httpd:

Site running on CentOS 7 VPS

At the first run we get the following install page for setting up our blog:

Hit 'Sumit':

At 'Add New':

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Build a Simple, Static, Markdown-Powered Blog with Flask

For years, I used and adored Wordpress as my go-to blogging platform. It was quick to install, easy to use, and had a ton of bloat functionality that I simply never used. Flask has been my framework of choice when starting a new web project for a while now, and I wanted a dead-simple solution for managing my mostly static site and handling my occasional writing. I had the following requirements:

  • Must build into static site
  • Posts composed in Markdown <3
  • Ability to include code snippets

Before we begin, I recommend having a quick read of the Flask Documentation to familiarise yourself with the basics of Flask.


Let's start with our Python dependencies. We are using Flask 0.10.x and Python 2.7

I will assume that you know a little about venv. If not, you seriously should be using it for all of your Python projects. Drop the above list into a file named requirements.txt and execute pip install -r requirements.txt from your shell. You are now ready to start building your blog.

Folder Structure

We need to create folders to store our static markdown pages, in addition to our standard templates and static files folders.

Your stylesheets and javascript files will go in the static directory, and all of your posts will go in the… I think that you can probably guess which folder :)

Flask Markdown

The Routes File

Flask makes it dead simple to declare a pretty URL scheme for your blog with the route wrapper functions. To begin, we need to make sure that we import all of the required packages. Create a new file named blog.py and open it up. It should look something like this...

Great, we have the beginnings of our blog. Time to add some routes that will serve our blog posts. You can add your own routes for custom pages here too. We will define the posts route to find and list all of our posts, and post will create a page for each one. Let's add the following immediately before the if __name__ '__main__' line.

The first route will iterate over the list of posts, and pass this to the template which we will look at shortly. I chose to sort by date. 10 lines of code, and this covers all of the blog logic that we have to deal with.


Start by making a new template for the list of posts. I will give you a bare minimal snippet, beyond that it is up to you! We will name this file posts.html and place it in the templates directory:

And for post.html, drop the following into your template wherever you want them displayed!

Now you're cooking with a Flask!

Flask Markdown Table

How About The Posts

Flask-markdown Conda

Oh yeah, this is the easy part. If you are on Mac, I would recommend Mou as your editor, and for those on Windows MarkdownPad comes highly commended. You will store your markdown files in the content/posts/ directory as some_file_name.md, and include a small amount of metadata in each file.

Lets Build This Thing

If you want to run this server to test on your local machine, you can simply run the script using python blog.py.

When you are happy and want to generate the static site, use python blog.py build and a new build directory will be created with your new static blog.

Deploy away :)

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